MPR121 module Capacitive Touch
  • MPR121 module Capacitive Touch

MPR121 module Capacitive Touch

2,480 €
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MPR121 module Capacitive Touch Sensor


MPR121 module Capacitive Touch Sensor

1. Overview
LC OPT3001 module is a sensor module, it is used to measure the density of visible light. The sensor can achieve over 99% inhibition of IR, no matter how light source, can provide a consistent light measurement.

2. The function and characteristics
 ● Working voltage : 5V
 ● Working temperature range: -40 ~ +85℃
 ● Communication protocol: I2C
 ● 12 touch point

3. Introduced the hardware and instructions
 ● The board size: 31*18mm
 ● The board function description:
VCC: 5V Working voltage
3V3: 3.3V Output voltage
GND: Ground
SCL、SDA: I2C interface
ADDR:  I2C Address Select Input Pin
IRQ: Open Collector Interrupt Output Pin
0-11 : 12 Touch input

MPR121 module Capacitive Touch