MSP430F149 Minimum System Core Board
  • MSP430F149 Minimum System Core Board

MSP430F149 Minimum System Core Board

7,500 €
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MSP430F149 Minimum System Core Board Learning Board Development Board


MSP430F149 minimum system introduced:

1. On-board MSP430F149 chip.

2. Provide 32.768KHz and 8MHz two kinds of crystal connection.

3. 3.3 V regulated power supply circuit, the complete filtering measures.

4. Using the miniUSB-powered, with a reset circuit.

5. On-board TI's standard JTAG interface (14 pin).

6. All IO are leaded out, and the P3.4 is leaded out to test the working status of the board.

MSP430F149 Minimum System Core